Filling out this registration form will let us know that you are interested in the programs offered. However, to complete you registration, you will need to follow the registration process at the bottom of this page.
The Registration Process
There are a few steps for students to register for the LINC program:
Go to Calgary Language Assessment & Referral Centre (CLARC) to write your test. The test will assess your English literacy in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
You may also phone them at (403) 262 2656 to make an appointment.
Your placement will be based on your lowest level.
While you are at CLARC you will meet with a counselor. This person will be your personal counselor, feel free to call them and ask them questions about school.
Once you have finished your test they will give you a referral form. It will have two school options on it based on your literacy level and where you live. Go to one of those schools to be registered but if they do not have room, go to the other. If both schools are full, go back to CLARC for another set of schools.
For the LINC program, the student must register in person. However, fill out the form above to show your interest.