Agapé Language Centre (ALC) is a non-sectarian, non-profit, registered charitable organization. Agape began in 1997 with the goal to help new immigrants improve their English language skills. To accomplish this, Agapé Language Centre continues to work with a mix of experienced teachers and volunteers who empower our new neighbours and facilitate their integration into Canadian society in Calgary. These caring volunteers and trained professionals have worked hard to build a sense of community within our classes.
Since 1997…
Since Agape began, we have served over 5500 students in our community directly, and many more families beyond our immediate reach.
Mission Statement
To demonstrate God’s unconditional love to our new neighbours by meeting their need for English Language and acculturation training through high quality interaction in an accepting and affirming atmosphere.
To help newcomers to Calgary improve their English language, understand Canadian culture, make new friends, and feel more at home in Canada. To accomplish this Agape Language Centre continues to work with a mix of experienced teachers and volunteers who empower our new neighbours and facilitate their integration into Canadian Society.